Friday, December 11, 2020
Here's one I wrote this year
a hundred times count to a hundred a hundred times
count to a hundred thirsty six times a hund red times
a hundred counts a red dog a hund rot rotten hund
a toasted ham and cheese sandwich two toasted ham
and cheese sandwiches
Jeremy Harper counted to a million in 2007
Jeremy Harper of Birmingham Alabama
who had a pug called Skillet
and watched both his and his pugs weight
who danced the chicken dance when he got there
a great moment in internet history
and Craig said to Harvey this is how old you are
and marked three dots on a page
and this is how old grandma is and marked
another ninety five
it doesn't have to be your main identity
late afternoon autumn sunlit clouds of gnats
rounding the corner of my street on my bicycle
it doesn't have to be your main identity
Monday, November 16, 2020
yesterday's reading
those trees reflect a lot of light
a clear morning when the curtains parted, then rain, then hot wind
finished Oscar Schwartz's article on Falun Gong media
a longish poem about ania walwicz and erections
coriander, cat piss, crushed rocket, parsley, mint
we strung a wire rope to train a wisteria away from the tree
via a Court Green list, WCW's Pastoral
a bluish green / properly weathered
arctic mint, toothpaste green - what is dog-lime
scurvy dog lime and chilli soda
it's a soft drink and it's made in Gympie - what's Gympie -
Gympie is a town in Queensland - where the gymps live
deep green and oily nettle silage tea, sweet peas, new garlic
a documentary about Andre the Giant bulked out with Hulk Hogan backfill
Saturday, November 14, 2020
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Sunday Herald Sun, October 4 2020
I bought this for the St Kilda news, a habit I got from a friend. After a good win, buy the Herald Sun. It was a good win on Saturday, and on Sunday I went to the supermarket and bought some milk and some Herald Sun.
On the front page are Dan Butler's streaming mane and the stars of this issue: Schapelle Corby, Donald Trump and Nicole Kidman.
There are 96 pages plus inserts; 16 pages of AFL, 8 more of sport and 3 of racing plus a liftout 8-page form guide. The digital scales weigh it at 575 grams.
Race 4 at Kyneton: Poet Warrior, sired by Wordsmith, up against Prosecutor, Cyclone Sally, Raphael, Call me Cain, Pinot Party, Seabaz and Pommy Bird.*
Two Harcourt boys on page 5 stand in a field of green rye. Never has their dad seen so many blossoms on their apple trees. (The apples here are blooming too.)
The bulk of the paper's advertising is for Coles - a front page banner, a double spread on page 2 and 3, sponsored "Health" content, recipes and quizzes, a full back pager. 'Value the Australian way' goes their line.
A full page paid by the racing industry to say they're 'Here for the Horses' (and not because of).
There's one page of classifieds, which is 50% ads for News Corp's online classifieds. There are 11 "paid" print ads, of which two are in the traditional format of yore: three lines and a telephone number (both for share accomodation in Frankston). Happy 100th birthday Jean Hinton.
Peta Credlin precedes the editorial with textual analysis of Dan Andrews testimony: 'The "personally" could well be important; it could read as though he has an idea of where the decision came from but that personally he wasn't there at the time it was made.' Who, she wants us to know, reassured the police chief?**
An excerpt from Jimmy Barnes' memoir about stripping for charity. Even Jimmy Barnes feels icky about Jimmy Barnes naked. Nicole Kidman was there.
A page of pets and weather and a page of posing animals - hippo, baboon, giraffe, red panda from Melbourne Zoo snapped by Melbourne zookeepers. Trad pictorial fare.
Letters to the editor from Jim, Bob, Conrad, Debbie, James, Rudi, Ricko, Tony, Bob, Jim, Greg, John, Wendy, Tony, Jennie, Robyn, Julia, Niall, Nige, Mick, Stan and Bob.
M Murphy from Sale hasn't seen her formerly FIFO-ing husband for a long time, Rudi Michelson grew up in Oakleigh.
Schapelle Corby grows and sells resin clocks and still sees shadows behind trees.
Matt Preston does sausage rolls and gets in 'pizzazz', 'Dadaist' and 'sticky, fatty deliciousness.'
A full pager for some buy now pay later service, then a photo of 'Rebecca Strickland at home with some of the purchases she bought using Afterpay'.
Investor tips: buy Coles Group, sell Bank of Queensland.
There's poems in the puzzles - a verse 'attributed to Ali Ibn Abu Talib' and a rhyming riddle. Puzzles are at the end of the TV Guide named 'Binge' and get harder the further you go. Turn the paper upside down to read the riddle's answer: plead.
As in Nicole Kidman pleads with Hugh Grant to return to acting.
The Bradford Exchange convincingly promotes a $99.98 Faberge-inspired egg featuring a family of wrens. Open the egg to reveal a blue wren while a hidden chime plays The Wind Beneath my Wings.
Ethan Hawke says he was born to act.
According to Stratco's insert, December 5 is National Patio Day. Dennis Cometti is National Patio Day Ambassador.
On the cover of the Body + Soul insert, celebrity metereologist Magdalena Roze sits, bare legs wide open, a wicker basket of pink lady apples the focus of her crotch hidden by strategic skirt. Roze holds an apple in her left hand, knife in right, and cuts a slice towards herself. Previously sliced slices lie browning in her skirt. Beneath beige painted toes a creamy shagpile rug; behind her white off-the-shoulder puffy shirt, beigey brown distressed cotton cushions backed up against a stack of split redgum
'[D]uring lockdown,' Angela Mollard writes, '[Magdalena's] images of homemade focaccia gardens prompted many to go on a breadmaking binge'.
In the travel insert 'Escape', Craig Silvey writes about the summer forests of Denmark. He too was so annoying that he was left by the side of the road by his parents. He too saw his vagrant life ahead of him, before his parents drove back to rescue him so that he could then write Jasper Jones.
On the back cover of 'Escape', a full page reminding us that The Walking Dead returns Monday on Binge.
One of these is made every week.
* Postscript 1: Cyclone Sally got the win (form guide: 'place hope'); Poet Warrior ('strong claims') was a scratching.
**Postscript 2: It was Eccles!
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
This is a pleasant time of the year the week before daylight savings starts, I wish there wasn't that rip that's coming on the weekend, maybe the curfew was taken down because Dan could see the irony of holding a curfew while releasing daylight savings: govt holding back time, govt giving time.
Saturday, September 5, 2020
Screenshot of a screenshot of SPG from |
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Monday, August 10, 2020
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
mango education
Screenshot taken while undertaking training via the Australian Government Department of Health Covid-19 Learner Portal, April 2020 |
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Joan Aiken
There is always a sentence in a Joan Aiken story that shows something from the world I never knew.
I wish I collected the examples I see.
The first time I noticed this was reading Five Children and It,
which isn't by Joan Aiken, it's by Eleanor Nesbit.
Whenever I see an Eleanor Nesbit book I haven't read I buy it.
If I did collect these examples, where would I store them?
In a card file, on this post? 'This post is a collection of examples of things from stories I've read about the world that were totally new.'
If I write it down I don't have to remember it, but I have to remember the feeling
or know where to look to find it again.
I have tried collecting things before. I came to the conclusion you only need two of something for it to be a collection. This is called desultory.
I promised to myself not to write in Google anymore.
Sunday, July 19, 2020
to the tune of
To the tune of Shutdown by Australian Crawl: Lock down.
To the tune of Summer Breeze by Seals & Croft or Stylus, I don't know which version is in my head, the one that's had more airtime I guess, Seals & Croft have a toy piano intro, Stylus a flexatone, and it's jasmine blowing through my mind not echoes - Geraldine (but only when I hear Ms Doogue on the radio) and: Quarantine.
The introduction of the wikipedia entry on flexatone reads like a flexatone sounds...
Though it's cited as appearing, I can't hear the flexatone in this youtube version of Funkadelic's One Nation Under Groove that LaToya Jackson commented on:
A Norton ad appeared before the video, parodying Banksy's efforts of One Nation Under CCTV.
What do I mean by efforts?
Soft Rock. Last night I watched the last half of Escape from Alcatraz which has many scenes of Clint Eastwood picking away at rotting concrete.
Back to homeschooling today.
I own a flexatone.
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
mental fitness
Over on SBS world movies was a film from Fiji about a woman living with a man with dwarfism who might not have been her husband. There was a scene where her family comes into her house and tries to talk her back home. She says I'm not going. Later there was a scene where the man scrubbed the woman's shoulders with a large green leaf.
This afternoon I checked the St Kilda website for videos on the weekend's win, and an ad supporting mental fitness came up, spruiking Lynx deodorant. I took a screenshot but didn't save it. I searched "lynx mental fitness" for the ad, and there it was. Another result was a website selling four day "adventures" pretending to be a sniper in a Slovenian forest.
I didn't go outside at all today. There were sunshowers, and someone cut down a tree with a chainsaw nearby. In the evening a currawong did some singing
It's the evening now, and we are each on our individual screens.
Saturday, May 30, 2020
furtive photo
There was this cat-face pillow in the back of a silver car and I stopped, stepped onto the naturestrip and pulled out my camera. Across the road I saw two people on a porch, smoking, watching me. I took my photo, knowing they were in the corner of the picture and walked away hot-cheeked, feeling as if I was being followed. Maybe this was their car and they put the cat-face pillow there to lure passersby. Notice how their bin's out? Green rubbish was sometime last week, but maybe they always leave it there.
Monday, May 25, 2020
furtive photo
Saturday, May 16, 2020
imaginary review
I took a Daniel Johnston CD with me and at the foot of the street
with the margarita sunset thick on the horizon over the park
It's Over It's Over playing through I thought that's a good idea
write an imaginary review of Alice Notley. There's no other
way I'm going to get to read that book, I have a copy of the sonnets
but never bought no Notley from Collected Works. And now
I shall write the next part of my review with the Dvorak keyboard
C cmaicb.e pcidycbi yr Hajt.y2 abe o.becbi yd.m ydco ncbtv
Ancj. bryn.f-o yddcpyc.yd xrrt co d.p ucb.oy f.y oaf yd. xngpxo
Back to Qwerty: instead of I remember, I imagine. When I
get the pizza and gnocchi bolognese, there's a car pulling out
in front of me, so I eat a slice of molten margarita salty and soft
with Aint No Woman Gonna Make a George Jones Outta Me
whatever that means, DJ repels Sonic Youth, Butthole Surfers
feeds him acid. Driving home with one hand down a side street
I dictate in my head: I imagine this is also part of the review.
On a table in the pizza restaurant was a poem in black marker:
This Table is Not in Use.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
com post
On the lip of the bucket was a big cockroach, a bushie, that dropped to the floor.
I scooped it up, popped it back in the bucket and dropped a used teabag on it.
There was an earwig in there too and a little cockroach, a German, on the lip.
I watched the roaches try to climb the slimy sides of the bucket as I washed
mugs and plates, scraping tinned corn kernels and corn chip crumbs,
then I took them out to the compost and left the bucket outside.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
last night's viewing
The trailer made me wish we'd watched this instead of Will Smith's version. The motorbike stunt down stadium stairs is jagged, and Rosalind Cash wears a leather suit. Bright red blood.
I'd seen this one at the Astor (the trailer that is). Starring the Dad from Little House on the Prairie, a scary image of some Roman bust in a stream, Yul Brynner's shiny contacts and a convincing rattler, also bright red blood.
Soylent Green
Naturally. But this was not the trailer with the refrain I like to repeat around the house from time to time: What is the secret of Soylent Green. R asked, what is Soylent Green and we said you'll have to watch the movie. With Edward G Robinson and thrillseeker Chuck Connors who was also in:
Wherein Chuck promises son he'll kill any dolpin who gets in the way of his nets. Even Flipper? Even Flipper. But the kid rescues the dolphin. M said she watched this every afternoon, the TV show that is.
The New Adventures of Flipper
This one's set on an island, but it doesn't star Chuck, even though the voiceover promises excitement for any red-blooded boy or Dad. There's underwater caves and green bananas and Flipper flips a fish to a girl. The voiceover promises it's like a dream.
We were getting the hang of watching trailers so we looked this one up because K told us about a meme about armadilloes in the movies that apparently no one knew about armadilloes until they appeared in the original Dracula. There's no armadilloes in the preview, only floppy bats. What did he do to you? He made me drink...
Also directed by Todd Browning, but not so much of a trailer more a couple of scenes cut together, punters looking into a box, a lady screaming, two small people having a tiff and the small man flirting with tall lady. Viewers also watched:
See the whole film in two and half minutes! From teletype tickertape technology to bazooka igniting pool of oil! Comes with a catchy acrostic: Terror Horror Entertainment Monsters! R felt sorry for the giant ants and this afternoon said she wanted to watch the movie. You've seen it already I tried to persuade. Directed by Gordon Douglas or Douglas Gordon who also made:
Viva Knievel
Evel's first movie vehicle, also starring his stars and stripes motorbike and his haircut, Lauren Hutton in a jumpsuit, Leslie Nielson in a porsche and Red Buttons, who joins Rip Torn and Nique Needles in my venn diagram slash pantheon of actors with unnames for names. The theme tune is sing-around-the-house-able and there's a motorbike stunt down stadium stairs.
Friday, May 8, 2020
today's reading
This morning before work Gavin Yuan Gao in Stilts journal
[...]I hear summer moult
into autumn, persimmons untethered
from stalwart branches thudding
to the ground like bells of flesh.
I don't know if persimmons do that - they're fairly firmly tethered to the branch and will stay there long after the orange leaves have gone, so long as the birds don't get them; and 'like bells of flesh', isn't fruit flesh already? An invisible simile?
Cycling, pondering over the persimmons, then an old man in business shirt on footpath with pendulous belly.
And Dženana Vucic also in Stilts.
and i wade out with this summer’s froglets
skipping against my shins
Like a friend's memory of her grandparent's rice paddy in Sendai, covered in frogs. This one is structured semantically.
Then Peter Porter in Meanjin which I could half not work out - for example, why 'Yeats's Nobel head' and what is 'the long tree of light'?
Waited in the car for takeaway burgers with Be With, Forrest Gander with the inside light. Put book in glovebox so as not to rest greasy bags on it. Made mental note to remember to bring it inside so it didn't cook in the car.
After doing dishes, a mug of tea to the radio, Marlon Williams singing aria from Tannhäuser.
Then Happy Gilmore while trying to recall the actor playing the nasty orderly's name, to add to the list of unlocked names: Julian Assange, Le Corbusier, Kenneth Rexroth, and Fiona something, still to be solved.
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
correct exposure
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Monday, March 23, 2020
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Monday, February 17, 2020
vague or ill-defined
Febulous sounds more nebulous than fabulous to me.
Hidden in the palm tree, 'Ts & Cs apply'.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Books I didn't read in 2019
The red clothbound at right is Clancy of the Overflow.
The Jindyworobaks anthology has a poem about weeds and other invasives: "Prime Minister To Go Home" by Paul Grano.
King of the Air by Herbert Strang had a postcard of the Matterhorn glued inside its cover I tore out.
The Dutton Penguin on Eyre: Hero as Murderer came with a sheet of mint stamps.
M read the Dickey and said it was horrible. I got a fair way through the Chabon and a chapter or two of Sent For You Yesterday. You Can Learn English was in Polish.
The Art of Bowling smelt of shoe polish.
I abandoned The Night Land.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
The 'Burbs
width of The 'Burbs = ~ two smartphones |
Thames & Hudson's marketing line on the cover 'A visual journey through the Australian suburbs' would read more accurately: 'through Melbourne's south eastern suburbs'. There's no captions in the book, I doubt there's any pictures of Launceston suburbs here, but there's plenty of Bentleigh.
There is at least one pic from Fitzroy. It's of the Kosovo TV repair shop, which I thought, not knowing Fitzroy too well, might be in somewhere in Sydney, given the phone number on the shop's window begins with 4. But a google search proved me wrong, and I learnt David Wadelton also takes photos of fading milkbars, compositions of white cast-iron balustrade and sentinel shrubs.
I like the fading milkbars, compositions of white cast-iron balustrade and sentinel shrubs, but am not so keen on all the vintage cars in The 'Burbs, but that's my taste. Still there are photos here that shouldn't have made the cut, most blaringly a pair of rainbow lorikeets on a twig, and this gives the book the feeling that maybe there wasn't much of a cut, and that what the book needed was a photo editor.
Perhaps the lorikeets are still up on Walvisch's @sublurb instagram, maybe there's a clue in the comments as to why the photo was included, but I would need an account to log in and see if there's a discussion about the late 90s drought, and how before then lorikeets were an unusual sight in Melbourne, but that may not be how instagram comments work.
As an insta book, The 'Burbs belongs to the genre of books publishers now publish because of the internet. One Red Paperclip being an exemplar from the early 2000s, Grumpy Cat a more recent standout. I won't be donating my copy any time soon, but I expect to see The 'Burbs on op shop shelves in coming years.
Walvisch judged the 2019 Glen Eira Council My Brother Jack photo competition on the theme Life in Glen Eira. My entry, a photo of a tuft kikuyu grass sprouting halfway up a power pole, didn't seem to make the show reel at the small exhibition for the awards held at council's gallery, even though it seemed every other entry did, including multiple pictures of tweens posing in a laneway. I stood for twenty minutes watching that reel and anticipating the slightly embarrassed feeling when my photo would appear, but nothing. Somehow it didn't make the cut.