There is always a sentence in a Joan Aiken story that shows something from the world I never knew.
I wish I collected the examples I see.
The first time I noticed this was reading Five Children and It,
which isn't by Joan Aiken, it's by Eleanor Nesbit.
Whenever I see an Eleanor Nesbit book I haven't read I buy it.
If I did collect these examples, where would I store them?
In a card file, on this post? 'This post is a collection of examples of things from stories I've read about the world that were totally new.'
If I write it down I don't have to remember it, but I have to remember the feeling
or know where to look to find it again.
I have tried collecting things before. I came to the conclusion you only need two of something for it to be a collection. This is called desultory.
I promised to myself not to write in Google anymore.
- August 2019
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