Saturday, May 16, 2020

imaginary review

I saw before getting in the car to get to the pizza restaurant
I took a Daniel Johnston CD with me and at the foot of the street
with the margarita sunset thick on the horizon over the park
It's Over It's Over playing through I thought that's a good idea
write an imaginary review of Alice Notley. There's no other
way I'm going to get to read that book, I have a copy of the sonnets
but never bought no Notley from Collected Works. And now
I shall write the next part of my review with the Dvorak keyboard
C cmaicb.e pcidycbi yr Hajt.y2 abe o.becbi yd.m ydco ncbtv
Ancj. bryn.f-o yddcpyc.yd xrrt co d.p ucb.oy f.y oaf yd. xngpxo
Back to Qwerty: instead of I remember, I imagine. When I
get the pizza and gnocchi bolognese, there's a car pulling out
in front of me, so I eat a slice of molten margarita salty and soft
with Aint No Woman Gonna Make a George Jones Outta Me
whatever that means, DJ repels Sonic Youth, Butthole Surfers
feeds him acid. Driving home with one hand down a side street
I dictate in my head: I imagine this is also part of the review.
On a table in the pizza restaurant was a poem in black marker:

This Table is Not in Use.

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