Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Active, Passive, Impassive

Attach the prefix in- to an adjective and you make it its opposite. Opportune, inopportune; regular, irregular; passive, impassive. This last pair seem more twin suns than polarities, semantically. To be active is not being passive, when one is inert, submissive, without resistance. But to be impassive is to care not, it's an alternative to being passive without having to take action. A cricket, a reed, a stone.

We unearthed a mole cricket Easter Sunday. It was light rusty brown, with small wings across its back and terrified our son. When he had calmed down enough, we looked a little closer at the cricket as it dug itself back into the dirt. I've moved the polystyrene box its burrow was under; I hope it has found a spot for a new burrow. I've been listening out for singing, but there's been none, and it's been raining besides.

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