Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Valentine's Day worm (stretching still)


- Has anyone done a tour of the kokomo song and gone to all the destinations listed in the kokomo song?
- Probably.
- That's a question for the internet!
- Is it really?
- {typing} Down to Florida Key, we'll perfect our chemistry...
- {rummaging jigsaw pieces} When . will I . see my picture in the papers {a little pause...} We'll get there fast and we'll take it slow. It's not nice to talk to someone and laugh about it.

Monday, March 1, 2021


For ye biting of a mad dog or cat:

Take rew and red sage of each a handful, garlick
2 or 3 heads, one ounce of good London Treakle
Tinn or puter scraped the quantity of a walnut
boyle all these in a pottle of muskedine or Ale
but muskedine is better till half be consumed
ye vessell whearin it is boyled must be close
stopped with paste it must be large yt it be 
not prest yt it may be at most but halfe
full for fear of running over for the first
time give six sponfulls in ye morning & as
much at night, before they drink it let them
swallow the quantity of a pea of venis treakle
if they canot swalow it alone mix it with 
ye medisin use ye medisin at any time but cheaf-
ly ( ) 2 or 3 dayes before every change or full
of the more for 2 or 3 months, ever keep them
very warme, & let them sweat in ye bed & be
carefull thay take no could; to every place
yt is bitten or scratched aply ye medisin the herbes
garlick & tin, & keep ye place open, where ye
ingredience will not be tyed on thear wash it wth
ye medesen it selfe: ~ 

Claping the vent of a live hen to ye place is good to
draw out ye vennom:

This somewhat desperate remedy for rabies is from an English Recipe Book 17th-18th Century, Wellcome Library MS7721 (

Ye is a ligature for the, yt shorthand for yet.

London Treakle and venis (Venice) treakle are much the same thing: mithridatium, galene, theriac, a universal panacaea from Roman times. "The concepts developed in the history of Mithridatium form the basis of modern medicines regulation" sayeth the abstract of J P Griffin's article on Venetian treacle. And, as Stephens Coates blogged, London Treakle was concocted during the plague.

I'm not sure if by claping the 18th century author means clasping. The chook cloaca remedy for rabies, or snake bite, brings to mind the edict in Hong Kong not to blow on chicken bottoms, a popular method of checking to see if a live chook was young and good to eat. If it puckered, yes. If slack, no. This also encouraged the inter-species transmission of disease.