Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Bready the Bread
Thursday, February 11, 2021
last toasts
Three and two with raspberry jam
Kass has, I share the bad news.
I'll miss that bread she said.
And the pink meringue, I add.
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
kitchen bench elevenses
five and four
butter and vegemite
with reheated tea
buttering brings back
Poppa's toast cooling
by my pillow
I wolfed both
slices standing by
the fruit bowl
ripe banana tainted
Sunday, February 7, 2021
drizzly morning toast
slices seven and six
butter and apricot jam
bread dry and squished
who will grease my muffin tin
so I can put my muffins in
sassy banter by the stove
heating milk for coffee
having read the first interview
of Weevils in the Flour
[B]ricklayers don't work in the wet weather said Phyllis
The things we tried. It makes us laugh now. I could tell you some funny stories... said Jack but didn't
Friday, February 5, 2021
lunch souvenir
slice eight and the crust of
the last loaf from Ormond Hot Bread
was toast with butter
with two night old vege lentil soup
the butter smelled fridgey
or it was freezer odour
I could've kept the crust til last
Yes, I see, you're a very good poet.