Monday, December 6, 2021

three lists

People I saw smoking today:

Someone way up in the bucket of a cherry picker working at the top of a church tower.

(Have you ever seen a cherry picker picking cherries? They seem too big to me compared to cherry trees) 

A coles worker taking a break on a low brick fence with a very fat mate, both in red T-shirts. The smoker was cupping his smoke with his hand to light up.

Young red-headed bunnings worker taking a break just outside the garden goods delivery gate. 

Driving I listened to a two-dollar gang of four entertainment! second-hand cd (remastered 1995) and on Boundary Rd heard:

Light myself up a cigarette
Nicotine really goes to my head

Pigeon spikes I've seen since the day before yesterday:

  • on the balcony of a corporate travel and leisure agency
  • above the door of a real estate agent
  • atop a Tuxan shoe repair sign and
  • a thai massage sign in an alcove of an old radio retailer.

Bags of bean sprouts I saw yesterday: At the doorstep of an Asian supermarket.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

a future of grey lozenges

source: Australia's whole-of-economy Long-Term Emissions Reduction Plan,
Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources.

Monday, October 18, 2021

more banter

- I was made for loving you baby, you were made for loving me --
  Please don't put your nose hair on my vanilla. (Pause.) Quote of the day.
- It's all a quote of the day with you, pookie.

Saturday, October 2, 2021


Today I went for a walk with George. Near the duckponds, a short way into our amble along the busy path, a young woman wearing earbuds and black yoga pants overtook us and farted, twice. She let rip like a horse. 

I said to George, this has never happened to me before. 

Friday, September 24, 2021

Monday, September 6, 2021


Briefly, you flew, corkscrewed, then met the ground
With the clang of toy guns, loose change, chains, a rain of cheers.

Deny the light
god's golden eye is brazen. It is clanging brass
of good intention
it is noisy burning clanging brass

Jack Spicer, Imaginary Elegies

Clang clang: an eight-inch-square hole opened in the middle of my door. They passed me in coffee and a pound and a half of bread.

Henri Charrière, Papillon, p.30, translated by the Hornblower dude

Clac, clac, un guichet de vingt centimetres sur vingt s'ouvre au milieu de ma porte. On me tend le café et une boule de pain de sept cent cinquante grammes.

Papillon, p.24 

There is a metal sign on the sidewalk advertising a brand of gas: I hang onto it, the panel clangs,  I will start hitchhiking here....No, Paris is in the other direction, let's go across.

Albertine Sarrazin, Astragal, p.6, translated by Patsy Southgate

Une tente de métal est posée sur le trottoir, publicité pour une marque d’essence : je m’y accroche, le panneau cliquette, je vais commencer mon stop ici... Non, Paris est dans la direction opposée, traversons.

L'Astragale, p.13 

The Australian side has been clanking that they oppose 'foreign interference'.
Otherwise it will lead to nothing but lifting a rock only to hit its own feet.

Chinese Embassy Spokeperson's remarks -

O eggs, don't fight with rocks*

fishes see the worm 
not the hook

the careful foot 
can walk anywhere

man must be sharpened
on man
like knife on stone

are like hands and feet

slander cannot destroy
an honest man...
when the flood recedes 
the rock is there

Chinese Proverbs from Olden Times, Peter Pauper Press, 1956

Avoid back injury (and mashed toes!)

The family handyman: How to Move Large Rocks

Faut que j' la claque claque claque claque
dedans les
Juke Box

Serge Gainsbourg, Le claqueur de doigts

Clang, crash, bang!
Fascism in the form of a bank
Gives way to a shining restaurant that opens its doors with a clank
He lifted his head sharply: clack-clack clack-clack   Tyre chains. Lothar. Time? Ten-forty

Sherry Mangan, Snow, p.28 - (no longer available)

The clang of pans, their campfire talk
enough to wake this patch of paradise. 

Frank Russo, A Panhandle Eden, In the Museum of Creation

Burgle your way to adventure in the deck-building board game Clank! Sneak into an angry dragon's mountain lair to steal precious artifacts. Delve deeper to find more valuable loot. Acquire cards for your deck and watch your thievish abilities grow.

Be quick and be quiet. One false step and CLANK! Each careless sound draws the attention of the dragon, and each artifact stolen increases its rage. You can enjoy your plunder only if you make it out of the depths alive!
dragon begets dragon
phoenix begets phoenix

Chinese Proverbs from Olden Times

sang sang sang Judy Garland

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

today's screenshot

 screenshot of the age website

On the weekend it smelt a little burny,
not smoky bbq-sausage smell,
more neighbour-incinerating-old-cabinets-
ripped-out-of-kitchen acrid.
Meanwhile Elon makes for Mars. 

Thursday, July 15, 2021

today's screenshot

after Ken Chau's Chinese Silence No. 102

Neil Young's Birds

before the premier appears 

light shower in golden light




Wednesday, May 26, 2021


Lunar eclipse...
Was Wollert Man missing link?
The Phantom returns.


Sunday, May 2, 2021

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Valentine's Day worm (stretching still)


- Has anyone done a tour of the kokomo song and gone to all the destinations listed in the kokomo song?
- Probably.
- That's a question for the internet!
- Is it really?
- {typing} Down to Florida Key, we'll perfect our chemistry...
- {rummaging jigsaw pieces} When . will I . see my picture in the papers {a little pause...} We'll get there fast and we'll take it slow. It's not nice to talk to someone and laugh about it.

Monday, March 1, 2021


For ye biting of a mad dog or cat:

Take rew and red sage of each a handful, garlick
2 or 3 heads, one ounce of good London Treakle
Tinn or puter scraped the quantity of a walnut
boyle all these in a pottle of muskedine or Ale
but muskedine is better till half be consumed
ye vessell whearin it is boyled must be close
stopped with paste it must be large yt it be 
not prest yt it may be at most but halfe
full for fear of running over for the first
time give six sponfulls in ye morning & as
much at night, before they drink it let them
swallow the quantity of a pea of venis treakle
if they canot swalow it alone mix it with 
ye medisin use ye medisin at any time but cheaf-
ly ( ) 2 or 3 dayes before every change or full
of the more for 2 or 3 months, ever keep them
very warme, & let them sweat in ye bed & be
carefull thay take no could; to every place
yt is bitten or scratched aply ye medisin the herbes
garlick & tin, & keep ye place open, where ye
ingredience will not be tyed on thear wash it wth
ye medesen it selfe: ~ 

Claping the vent of a live hen to ye place is good to
draw out ye vennom:

This somewhat desperate remedy for rabies is from an English Recipe Book 17th-18th Century, Wellcome Library MS7721 (

Ye is a ligature for the, yt shorthand for yet.

London Treakle and venis (Venice) treakle are much the same thing: mithridatium, galene, theriac, a universal panacaea from Roman times. "The concepts developed in the history of Mithridatium form the basis of modern medicines regulation" sayeth the abstract of J P Griffin's article on Venetian treacle. And, as Stephens Coates blogged, London Treakle was concocted during the plague.

I'm not sure if by claping the 18th century author means clasping. The chook cloaca remedy for rabies, or snake bite, brings to mind the edict in Hong Kong not to blow on chicken bottoms, a popular method of checking to see if a live chook was young and good to eat. If it puckered, yes. If slack, no. This also encouraged the inter-species transmission of disease. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Bready the Bread

- Why are you taking a photo of a piece of bread?
- Daddy's sad because the bakery closed.
- What bakery?
- Where the German rolls came from.
- This is the last slice.
- It's Bready the Bread!
- What will you eat it with, apricot jam?
- Butter and vegemite. Or just plain butter. 
I put Bready the Bread back in the freezer.
- I won't eat it now, I'll get a samosa.
You give me a look.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

last toasts

Three and two with raspberry jam
Kass has, I share the bad news.

I'll miss that bread she said.
And the pink meringue, I add.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

kitchen bench elevenses

five and four 
butter and vegemite
with reheated tea

buttering brings back
Poppa's toast cooling
by my pillow

I wolfed both
slices standing by
the fruit bowl

ripe banana tainted

Sunday, February 7, 2021

drizzly morning toast

slices seven and six
butter and apricot jam
bread dry and squished
who will grease my muffin tin
so I can put my muffins in
sassy banter by the stove
heating milk for coffee
having read the first interview
of Weevils in the Flour

[B]ricklayers don't work in the wet weather said Phyllis
The things we tried. It makes us laugh now. I could tell you some funny stories... said Jack but didn't

Friday, February 5, 2021

lunch souvenir

slice eight and the crust of

the last loaf from Ormond Hot Bread

was toast with butter

with two night old vege lentil soup

the butter smelled fridgey

or it was freezer odour

I could've kept the crust til last

Yes, I see, you're a very good poet.