I turned on the telly at ten this morning. Wayne Carey was on sunrise talking up his hair therapy treatment and how hard it was for himself as a local celebrity to go see a psychologist. He'd always been physically fit, Wayne said, but never mentally fit.
Over on SBS world movies was a film from Fiji about a woman living with a man with dwarfism who might not have been her husband. There was a scene where her family comes into her house and tries to talk her back home. She says I'm not going. Later there was a scene where the man scrubbed the woman's shoulders with a large green leaf.
This afternoon I checked the St Kilda website for videos on the weekend's win, and an ad supporting mental fitness came up, spruiking Lynx deodorant. I took a screenshot but didn't save it. I searched "lynx mental fitness" for the ad, and there it was. Another result was a website selling four day "adventures" pretending to be a sniper in a Slovenian forest.
I didn't go outside at all today. There were sunshowers, and someone cut down a tree with a chainsaw nearby. In the evening a currawong did some singing
It's the evening now, and we are each on our individual screens.