Nazi - napoli sauce, whey, broccoli, vitamin K, cheese
Intifada - napoli sauce, sesame seeds, cumin, rebar, concrete dust, cheese
Hayseed - napoli sauce, grass, straw, chaff, silage, cheese
Hollywood - napoli sauce, eggwhite, orange juice, maraschino cherries, fluff, low-grade ham, cheese
Crusader - napoli sauce, children, infidels, black flags, smoke, blood, sand, cheese
Politico - napoli sauce, chopped tie, sense of an ending, lard, stress hormones, cheese
Vampire - fresh napoli sauce, maple syrup, duck asshole, shaved liver, cockroach innards, pigeon, cheese
Patchouli - napoli sauce, tomato, herbs, lavender oil, purple rice, caouchouts, cheese
Grammarian - fresh tomato, herbs, spelling mistakes, beetle necks, inconsistencies, mozarella buffalo (extra spelling mistakes 50c)
Vulgarian - fresh tomato, maraschino cherries, throat music, underground roman rituals, ham
Loco - fresh anything from the garden and or street, fleabane, vegeroni, cornflour, mustard, anything you like, topped with toasted nuts
Aussie - tomato base, orange mineral water (lemon on request), prawns, egg, cheese, mayo, fresh sausage, fridge magnets (sauce extra 50c)
Compostada - tomato, maggots, leaves, hoppers, diced earthworms, mushrooms, Robert Cormier’s I am the cheese
Intelligencia - olive oil, garlic, crushed glass, herbs, provolone, roast eggplant, insect repellant
Poetica - tomato, potato, magpie carol, lacey beans, shredded turkey
S - $4, M - 5.50, L - 7, F - 10
Crushed glass, ash, fruit wrap, meat, napoli sauce 50c
Langoustine, hockey sticks, pancake batter, lye $1.00
Dolce et Decorum est - sugar plum fairies, cedar shavings, lolly water, scoria
All pizza gluten free on request
Pick up or delivery $20 minimun